Here’s the official preview of the Dracthyr race and their customization options coming in Dragonflight, including the different body type options we’ve heard will be available.

As a Dracthyr, you will be able to choose from a variety of customization options, including horns, scales, snouts, eyes, color, and four body options.


The new Dracthyr race provides a variety of features to customize your character including bold horn options, a diverse palette of colors to choose from, and more. In this preview, we show off more of the choices available for you to fully express your Dracthyr form.

Choose from a variety of options for your Dracthyr including horns, scales, snouts, eyes, and more.

Embrace your individuality with a range of expressive colors.

Wear your armor with pride.

(The video wasn’t showing up but luckily LeystTV resolved that issue)

Looks like some people cant see the video with the body options on the website. Here you go. and the link is

— Leyst (@LeystTv) July 11, 2022

Several body options will be available for you to choose from during creation.

This is just a sampling of the variety of options that players will have at their fingertips to create their Dracthyr Evoker to carry them into new adventures in the Dragon Isles. Who will you become?