Guess who’s making a comeback? That’s right, the Swift Zhevra mount! For those of you who’ve been around Azeroth for a while, you’ll remember the ups and downs of this iconic mount.

The Swift Zhevra first trotted into our lives during the Burning Crusade in 2008 as part of the Recruit a Friend program. However, by the time Wrath of the Lich King rolled around in 2010, it had galloped out of availability. The mount returned to us in Mists of Pandaria in 2013, only to vanish once more during the Battle for Azeroth expansion in 2019.

The latest Patch 10.2 build has dropped an interesting hint: The Swift Zhevra has been added to the item database for the Trading Post rotation!

As you can see the ItemID “37719” under ID “572” refers to the mount with a tentative cost of 550 Trader’s Tender. For those who might have forgotten the mount’s majestic appearance, let me jog your memory!

Swift Zhevra

Zhevras are rarely used as mounts in Azeroth due to their stubborn nature and tendency to bite.