A new world event in Dragonflight that we’re previewing is called the Tuskaar Feast Event. It revolves around the Iskaara Tuskarr in Azure Span cooking a tasty fish stew. Players must help them by completing various quests to receive a buff.

You must reach Renown 3 with the Iskaara Tuskarr to unlock Community Feasts.

Whenever the event is up, you will see a red “X” mark on the map of Azure Span. The timer also reveals how much time you’ve got left to participate in the event.

We had to fish up Aileron Seamoths in the nearby pools and give them to Big Kinook to help with the soup. A fairly simple process.

After completing a quest, you can interact with the Communal Pot to receive a buff for 1 hour.

On the PTR, almost no players were participating in the event, so we only finished a soup of Poor Quality.

However, datamined spells hint at various ranks of the buff from Poor to Legendary.

Iskaara Soup (Poor Quality) – Killing a creature in the Dragon Isles grants you and a nearby player Spirit of Sharing.

Spirit of Sharing – Heal for 5% maximum health.

Iskaara Soup (Common Quality) – Killing a creature in the Dragon Isles grants you and a nearby player Spirit of Sharing.

Spirit of Sharing – Gain 0 Versatility for 3 sec and heal for 5% maximum health.

Iskaara Soup (Uncommon Quality) – Killing a creature in the Dragon Isles grants you and a nearby player Spirit of Sharing.

Spirit of Sharing – Gain 0 Versatility for 6 sec and heal for 5% maximum health.

Iskaara Soup (Rare Quality) -Killing a creature in the Dragon Isles grants you and a nearby player Spirit of Sharing.

Spirit of Sharing – Gain 0 Versatility for 9 sec and heal for 5% maximum health.

Iskaara Soup (Epic Quality) – Killing a creature in the Dragon Isles grants you and a nearby player Spirit of Sharing.

Spirit of Sharing – Gain 0 Versatility for 12 sec and heal for 5% maximum health.

Iskaara Soup (Legendary Quality) – Killing a creature in the Dragon Isles grants you and a nearby player Spirit of Sharing.

Spirit of Sharing – Gain 0 Versatility for 15 sec and heal for 5% maximum health.