Today’s 10.2 PTR build brought some really good news for Hunters! Hunter’s Mark has been turned into a raid cooldown, increasing the target’s damage taken and it will also have a 20 second cooldown in combat.

Hunter (Source)


Hunter’s Mark now increases all damage taken by the target by 5% while the target is above 80% maximum health.

Developers’ note: We like the idea of Hunter’s Mark highlighting specific targets on the battlefield, so we have made an adjustment to Hunter’s Mark to cause it to increase all damage taken by 5% on targets above 80% health. A few quick notes about this change:

When applying Hunter’s Mark out of combat or before a pull, it continues to have no cooldown. If you apply Hunter’s Mark while in combat, Hunter’s Mark receives a 20 second cooldown. We don’t intend for you to move this damage bonus around frequently.

Hunter’s Mark is still on the global cooldown with this change.

Multiple Hunters can not stack this damage bonus on the same target.