Blizzard surprised us with a mysterious PTR build and added Augmentation Evoker set bonuses on the 10.1.5 PTR.

The new Evoker specialization received their set bonuses in the latest Patch 10.1.5 PTR build. These will be added to the existing Aberrus Class Sets when the patch releases. The bonuses revolve around emopowering Ebon Might, a new Augmentation Evoker talent.

Ebon Might – Increase your 4 nearest allies’ primary stat by 10% of your own ( 10% of Intellect ), and cause your Eruption to deal 20% more damage, for 10 sec. May only affect 4 allies at once, and prefers to imbue damage dealers. Eruption, Deep Breath, and your empower spells extend the duration of these effects. (1.5 sec cast, 30 sec cooldown, Limited to 4 targets)

Augmentation Evoker Set Bonuses in Patch 10.1.5

Evoker Augmentation 10.1 Class Set 2pc – Ebon Might increases the damage of your empower spells by 30%.

Evoker Augmentation 10.1 Class Set 4pc – Ebon Might increases allies’ primary stat by an additional 1.0% of your own.