It is done! The very first level 100 character has arrived to Sanctuary!

Rob2628 has managed to climb to the top of the leveling chain and became the first level 100 ever in Diablo 4, doing so in Softcore. After having led the race for a long time, Rob has now crossed the finish line. It took 54 hours and 30 minutes to reach Level 100 in Diablo with just 8 hours of sleep.

Congratulations to the whole party that helped Rob achieve the World First, namely: Herbst, Art, and Rengaróóó. Ren was already at Level 97 when Rob was at 99, so at this time, the player probably hit Level 100 too.

And here are the current streamer rankings (minus the many players like Rob’s party members):

Thanks to for all the coverage of the race. Now let’s see who will get to level 100 on hardcore first!