Speculation has already been going on about 11.0 for a while, and one of the rumors was the old “South Seas expansion” chestnut. With a few model revamps and recent transmog packs, some in the community thought a naval theme was on the horizon for WoW. However, Blizzard President Mike Ybarra put a pretty definitive stop to that particular idea, or at least a part of it. 

There’s a lot of people who didn’t understand what others meant by a return to Azeroth.

People want to RETURN to OLD PLACES on AZEROTH. Mainly to rediscover the two places that they all fell in love with the game on.

They don’t want pirates. They want the World of Warcraft. pic.twitter.com/zfqCpIrmqC

— Mr. Dave (@daveatano) September 2, 2023


No pirates.

— Mike Ybarra (@Qwik) September 4, 2023

It would be very strange to not have pirates in a naval-themed expansion, but not necessarily impossible either. But for now it seems 11.0 won’t be the South Seas expansion, or at the very least a weird pirate-less version of it!