An unconfirmed internal spreadsheet with release dates of multiple Activision Blizzard titles including Dragonflight and Diablo 4 pre-purchase took Reddit by storm today.

The spreadsheet snippet accurately revealed the launch date of the Wrath of the Lich King Classic pre-patch hours before it was announced today by Blizzard.

It mentions Dragonflight pre-patch launching on October 25, 2022, with the expansion going live on November 28, 2022

The internal spreadsheet also mentions Overwatch 2 PvP Launch on October 4, 2022, and Diablo 4 pre-purchase and game rewards going live on December 8, 2022.

Scaleface, a reputable leaker from MMO-C who accurately predicted Legion and leaked Dragonflight along with Warcraft Rumble also said Dragonflight would release in November 2022. If the leaks prove to be true, we’re looking at a scenario similar to that of Shadowlands.