We’re looking at the Researchers Under Fire event available in Zaralek Cavern starting May 9. Find out more about the rewards you can get. 

Researchers Under Fire is a new weekly event in Zaralek Cavern. It will become available on live servers when Dragonflight Season 2 starts next week.

The event lasts for 30 minutes and runs every hour.

The event takes place in Ruins of Drekazera at 47.60 56.76.

It is marked on the map with a golden horn icon.

Your goal is to assist researchers lift a titan lockdown.

The event has two phases.

In Phase 1, you assist Rannan by completing various tasks. The more tasks you complete the better rewards you will get.

3 tasks: Researcher’s Gift

6 tasks: Appreciative Researcher’s Gift

9 tasks: Thankful Researcher’s Gift

12 tasks: Indebted Researcher’s Gift

Phase 2 revolves around defending the camp from outside attackers and culminates in a boss fight.

Researchers Under Fire Map Location

What Rewards Can You Get from Researchers Under Fire?

The first completion of the week gives you 250 Loamm Niffen reputation, a piece of Suffusion gear, Flighstones used for gear upgrading, and a chance at Devourer Lobstrok and  Flaming Shalewing Subject 01.

Repeated completions will grant you fewer rewards, works just like Grand Hunts.

Flaming Shalewing Subject 01

Devourer Lobstrok