We have another tale of tense action from Classic Hardcore. This one’s pretty great and a true showcase for teamwork, as an accidental key press triggered an emergency phone call that would determine the fate of a level 20 char.

Dbloc11 was doing fine, got to level 20 and safely logged out one day as they had to head to work for a while to fix an issue that popped up. While at work, Dbloc received a panicked call from their girlfriend as their character was dying, and as she didn’t play the game at all she didn’t know what to do. However, she did know the consequences to the character dying and was ready to save it! It turns out she accidentally hit the keyboard and logged in, as the game was left on the character selection screen. What ensued was a thrilling fight versus 2 “big dogs”, as Dbloc had to explain what to do and how to defeat the mobs over the phone!

The full story below is well worth the read.

A happy ending, luckily, and a great performance out of someone that knew nothing about the game! She inadvertently got a taste of Classic hardcore and the thrill it brings with it, so perhaps WoW also got a new player that day. Congrats to both for making it out alive, for now!