There really is no safe place in Classic Hardcore. We’ve seen bank alts get killed by griefers spawning mobs in capital cities, many players recently lost their characters to server instability, even Ouro decided to clone himself to take players out! Then there’s the usual DC/afk deaths, Mak’gora’s and, of course, the ever-present drownings. And now we have to add mobs 44 levels lower than you to the list!

Bozzy253 had a busy day working from home, and so decided to do something very passive and safe. Training the Mage’s defense skill in Tirisfal Glades on their level 50 seemed like a good half-AFK thing to do. That is, until some technical issues turned the whole plan into a catastrophe.

While level 6 mobs don’t do much to a level 50 (even if they’re a clothie), they still do some damage. After getting down to 50% HP against the 4 mobs while monitoring their character, just as they were about to kill them and eat back to full, bozzy‘s graphics card died. Only a black screen remained and panic set in, with the usual bashing of all possible damage skills in the hope something would register. After a restart the PC barely even worked, with 1 FPS everywhere, the card was well and truly fried. And after a quick trip to the wife’s computer the worst was confirmed: the Mage had died to 4 level 6 mobs.

And the worst part? Bozzy Mage had only 2 defense points left to go…

Level 50 mage died to level 6 mobs training defense skill – PC crash death
byu/bozzy253 inclassicwow

So let that be a lesson to you: nothing is safe in Classic Hardcore. NOTHING.