Solo Queue for Shadowlands Raid Finder has been implemented in Patch 10.1.5. How hard is it to solo the bosses?

You can queue up for Shadowlands LFR solo in Patch 10.1.5 by talking to Ta’elfar <Trader of Histories> in Oribos who will have dialogue options for all Shadowlands LFR wings. Ta’elfar is located in the Enclave.

Even with solo queue implemented, you most likely won’t get too far in terms of soloing Shadowlands raid bosses at this point in Dragonflight.

I’ve instantly queued up for the Jailer and got wrecked on my Item Level 396 Havoc Demon Hunter and only brought him down to 96%.

I imagine tanking specs with a ton of self-heal or Hunters with pets should be able to burn the bosses more quickly, but DPS specs will need to wait at least another raid tier before the bosses are easier to kill for transmog.

Also tried the easiest LFR wing (Castle Nathria Wing #1), but you already know how it ended… back to gear grinding I guess…