Things are getting even more dangerous in Classic Hardcore, as even bank alts sitting in capital cities are not safe anymore!

Creating bank alts is a very common way of helping yourself out in Hardcore. If/when your main character dies you can soften the blow if you offload some gold and other useful mats to a bank alt. This is increasingly useful the higher level your main gets, as you get more and more gear and gold to set up for your next character.

Well, even that safety net is being attacked! Recently players have been losing their bank alts to some very sneaky griefers. There are several ways of starting an alt massacre in the capital cities, with very specific effects and some items in the game being able to spawn enemies. I’m not going to go into how it’s done since it’s a pretty terrible thing to do.

Here’s one such massacre, as spotted by Ethereal_Bulwark:

That particular mob was only level 22, but that’s still a pretty big threat to low level bank alts! This griefing practice has been spreading, as some players even suggest fleeing to other cities!

So make sure to either only very quickly log your bank alts, get them to a “safe” city or, you know, level them to 20+!