Final Fantasy 16 receives a near-perfect score from Famitsu for its epic story, deep combat mechanics and seamless integration within the series.

With the official release of the game just a few hours away, Famitsu, a renowned Japanese magazine known for reviewing Final Fantasy titles, has published its review of Final Fantasy 16. The review reflects nothing but praise, as they have awarded the game a near-perfect score of 39 out of 40 (10/10/9/10).

Such a high score bodes well for the game’s future, indicating its quality and potential. According to the reviewer, some notable strengths include:

An epic story that can be enjoyed by anyone

Deep combat mechanics that allow for mastering combos and abilities

A seamless integration within the Final Fantasy series.

With an estimated completion time of 30 to 40 hours for the main story and approximately 70 hours for those seeking to explore everything the game has to offer, Final Fantasy 16 promises to deliver a rich and immersive gaming experience.