This is a pretty special one, as a team has created a massively impressive video of WotLK in Minecraft! From the character selection and loading screen to Vengeance Landing, Utgarde Keep, Dragonblight, Grizzly Hills… Even Icecrown Citadel and the Lich King himself – AND the raid end cinematic!

Unfortunately this isn’t an actually playable mod or map, just a really awesome fan-created video compilation by  Jardiss and crew, with heavy editing and the use of many mods. Let’s take a look and make sure to at least click through all the sections, as they’re all awesome in their own right.

Here’s the creator, Jardiss, on all the mods that were used:

Credit to Cloud. for creating exactly the mod I needed which was the WowQuestMarker mod, which was made in order to display the floating quest markers.
The awesome staffs you see used throughout the video is created by Nongko over at Planetminecraft, check them out here!…
Do also check out Oxyaego over at Planetminecraft to download his amazing Sulfuras, Frostmourne and Doomhammer models/texture packs:…
Also credit to: SirJain and O over at the BlockBench Discord server for helping me fix a problem with the textures for Lich Kings sword, the Frostmourne.

SKINS USED IN THE VIDEO: Most of the skins you see in the video are skins I have found scattered around various sites. Some of them were made by me. Here are links to one skin made by me: Jardiss Skin (This is the skin you see me wearing during the video)…
For the rest of the skins you can find a list on my discord server here:
MAP “Crafting Azeroth 1.0 Interactive Map”:…
It has everything from Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland and as you can see in the video it has Northrend as well! It is definitely the best made Minecraft World of Warcraft map available.

MODS/SHADERS: Every scene is shot in Minecraft version 1.12.2. The complete list of mods/shaders will be listed in my Discord channel!