More hotfixes arrive.

May 19 (Source)

Dungeons and Raids

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible

Fixed an issue where some Voracious Magma Worms could not be attacked.

Rashok, the Elder

Fixed an issue where Rashok can sometime not jump to target player’s location during Searing Slam.


Brackenhide Hollow

Brackenhide Gnolls no longer trigger Mythic Keystone affix effects on death.

Halls of Infusion

Containment Apparatus health reduced by 10%.

Limited Immortality is now properly cleared from players when starting a new mythic keystone.


Fixed an error where the world event “Researchers Under Fire” was not switching objectives correctly on the weekly reset.

Developers’ notes: This fixes a bug that was preventing the Researchers Under Fire event from rotating to the Zaqali Ruin Investigation. It should now be taking players to the Molten Overflow for the remainder of this reset period. The event will rotate each week between the Titan Lockdown and Zaqali Ruin Investigation areas.