Blizzard have posted a big batch of hotfixes, focusing on Mythic+ dungeon tuning in Dragonflight and the Utgarde dungeons in Wrath Classic!

July 6 (Source)




Wild Mushroom and Fury of Elune will now deal their damage even if the target is out of line of sight of the Druid.

Dungeons and Raids



Fixed an issue that caused Incorporeal Beings’ Destabilize effect to apply to targets not in combat with players when charmed.

The below Mythic+ changes were applied on June 30:

Brackenhide Hollow

Hackclaw’s War-Band

Gashtooth’s Gash Frenzy periodic damage reduced by 25%.

Decatriarch Wratheye

Withered Eruption damage reduced by 10%.

Rotburst Totem’s Rotting Burst cast time increased to 7 seconds (was 5 seconds).

Halls of Infusion

Watcher Irideus

Power Overload now targets 2 players (was 3).

Neltharion’s Lair

Fixed an issue that caused Vileshard Crawler’s Acid Splatter to inflict more damage than intended.


Blightshard Skitter health reduced by 25%.

Crystalline Ground damage reduced by 25%.


Toxic Retch damage reduced by 25%.


Qalashi Lavabearer health reduced by 10%.

Irontorch Commander health reduced by 15%.

Qalashi Warden health reduced by 10%.


Health reduced by 10%.

Magma Lob cooldown has been increased.

Magma Eruption periodic damage reduced by 25%.

Lava Spray damage reduced by 20%.

Lava Wave damage reduced by 15%.

Forgemaster Gorek

Health reduced by 10%.

Blazing Aegis damage reduced by 20%.

Blazing Hammer damage reduced by 20%.

Warlord Sargha

Health reduced by 10%.

Molten Gold damage reduced by 20%.

The Vortex Pinnacle


Skyfall Nova damage reduced by 20%.

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

Sentinel Talondrus

Earthen Shards periodic damage reduced by 20%.


Seeking Flame’s visual has been adjusted.


Grotesque Horror’s Dark Echoes cast time increased to 1.5 seconds (was 1 second).


Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Dungeons and Raids

Utgarde Pinnacle and Utgarde Keep

Glaciate and Icy Path will no longer kill players when they are affected by King Ymiron’s Screams of the Dead during Defense Protocol Alpha or Beta.

Fire Blast now does 6% max hp damage per second, instead of 10% during Defense Protocol Beta.

Fire Blast will now get casted much sooner after Glaciate during Defense Protocol Beta.