The first week of 10.1.5 was very weird and augmented, but it seems the Evokers’ influence isn’t going anywhere, even after the hotfixes. We have some tuning changes coming this week as well, but the very top seems to be pretty set in all brackets, so let’s take a look.


Overall Damage 95th Percentile

The main two Augmentation targets are still at the top, neck and neck above the 160K mark, with only Fire getting within 10K of them. Unholy seems to have taken over as the prime Evoker target, but the two top specs are pretty obviously the heavy favorites for the green spec’s buffs. Frost DK, Affliction and Enhancement are pretty close to Fire, with the other two Mage specs right behind. The “other Evoker” as it will henceforth be known, is also doing well in 9th, as Shadow closes out the top 10. Until we see some better ways to track Augmentation it seems it’ll be forever at the bottom, where Assassination and Survival join it.

95th percentile Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

Overall Damage All Percentiles

Fire gets the better of Demo in the generalist bracket, but the top 3 are much closer together than in the high percentiles. Arcane is doing better here as well, and Subtlety manages to get into the top 10. It’s some very bad news for Hunters, as all three specs are in the bottom 6, but at least they’re all getting buffs with this week’s reset.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

Boss Only Damage All Percentiles

Unholy is pulling extremely far ahead in the boss damage chart, as Demonology moves past Fire and Frost Mage joins the party as well.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.


Nothing much has changed in Heroic, as Arcane tries to hold on to the top spot, Unholy breathing down its neck, and now Subtletly even getting involved!

All percentiles Heroic data by Warcraft Logs.


Meanwhile, if you’re looking for more information you can check out our Dragonflight class guides, Aberrus boss guides, the raid DPS tier list, as well as more data from Warcraft Logs here.