We’re looking at a datamined short cinematic narrated by Alexstrasza, which supports a popular theory and provides a glimpse at Patch 10.2 content and future story development. The following post contains spoilers!

The in-game cinematic has been datamined by Wowhead. It shows a new World Tree and is narrated by Alexstrasza, the Lifebinder.

Alexstrasza: For soon, Azeroth will welcome from the dream a symbol of hope, and together, we shall protect it.

A Symbol of Hope Cinematic

We speculated in the past about a potential World Tree location in Dragonflight (the mysterious area located west of the Ohn’ahran Plains) and with Ysera being brought back, it makes perfect sense for the Elves to build a new home.

Furthermore, we believe Alexstrasza talks about the Emerald Dream in the cinematic, which is again supported by Portergauge’s theory, who discovered an icon named “Glaive 1H Emerald Dream Outdoor“. Emerald Dream in Patch 10.2, anyone?