The lack of Trader’s Tender has been noticeable especially now when there are multiple items players would like to buy in a single month. With flashy new class sets and weapons coming next month, do you think the currency may be bundled together with upcoming promotions?

In mid-june, we datamined an assortment of assets that hinted at Trader’s Tender bundles potentially coming to the Shop.

Later on, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas confirmed the currency won’t be sold on its own as a standalone product in the store but may be included in Deluxe Versions of games or bundles.

Blizzard this week introduced fancy new class sets and weapons heading to the Trading Post and all of a sudden, we’re getting not 1 but 3 mounts in a single Trading Post rotation, leaving players in a situation where they can’t afford to buy all items they’d like due to the lack of Trader’s Tender.

Do you think Trader’s Tender will be bundled with all future promotions? We have one coming later today, so we’ll have to wait and see. I’m guessing the currency may be used to incentivize