We’re taking a look at how to get the highest item level gear in the game, as well as whether you will actually want it. It seems like items around level 825 are about as good as you can get from actual drops in the game itself. However, there is a specific way to get items at 840 or even higher, so let’s take a look.

Base 840+ Gear

Community member and redditor Swanovan put together a post explaining that named rare mobs actually drop items at this higher level. Now, while these are probably THE highest item level you can get, you might not want to. The reason is they do not have randomized affixes, but rather pre-set ones. And the ones that are set… aren’t that great. Weapons might still be very much worth getting as their DPS is quite a bit higher though. There also might be a specific one that fits your build with the set affixes. Currently the highest level one Swanovan has found is 845.

Also note that the maximum level drop isn’t guaranteed, as some rares drop them quickly, but others can take quite a few tries. You can read more on the drop chances below in the reddit post itself.

Cheap Enchanting

They also come with another really big bonus. It seems that enchanting them is VERY cheap, as their base price is so low. And that means you won’t have to spend millions to re-roll one of their affixes, which is a pretty good deal.


How to Find Them

Both of the D4 interactive map sites have locations for the rare elites. Finding which specific one you might want could be a little trickier. You can find a list of them here, as well as the item stats, but I’m not quite sure if it’s all of them. You can also check the comments of the reddit thread below for a few mentions of some weapons and their locations as well.

Swanovan even put together a really quick video explaining it all:

And here’s the full explanation post on the whole thing:

And don’t forget, you can then upgrade these 840ies and get them a lot higher as well. Good luck with the rare mobs!