The buff from the Onyxia head quest is quite a tradition in WoW, but it’s not really been that relevant/popular for a while now, even with Classic. However, Hardcore is changing all of that, and then some!

Classic Hardcore has been pretty popular in general, but players may not have expected quite this level of overcrowding in Stormwind! Professional-Ad-7405 came upon the massive gathering of players, even getting their FPS down to under 15! With the challenges of Hardcore, the Onyxia buff with its 140 attack power and 10% melee/5% ranged crit is very welcome and it seems very sought after! It also may or may not make players overconfident and lead to their deaths after it wears off. That’s not a personal story at all!!1

Source: Onyxia buff in Hardcore.

Scenes like this weren’t uncommon back when Classic launched either, and this particular one is from the Defias Pillager server. Players generally find out about the incoming buffs from Classic streamers and gather for them. Some buffs actually get lost due to the quest completing on a layer that had the 6-hour cooldown active, meaning it did not go out at all.

It’s great to see the bustle in the streets like this, and as Articulated mentioned in the reddit thread, it truly is awesome to see a massive crowd welcome a band of adventurers come in with a dragon’s head after they defeated it.