Winds of the Sanctuary starts in just two days, so don’t forget to stock up on Draught of Ten Lands if you plan on leveling your alts to maximize XP gains!

Draught of Ten Lands is the only XP potion that currently works in the game. It increases stats and XP gains by 10% for 1 hour for characters below Level 50 and stacks with the +50% XP buff that will activate when Winds of the Sanctuary starts on live servers on June 15.

The potion is BoA so you can send it to your alts.

It’s sold by Provisioner Stoutforge (Alliance) in Boralus (69, 26) or Provisioner Mukra in Dazar’alor (51, 95) for 5x 7th Legion Service Medals / Honorbound Service Medals.

Service Medals are obtained primarily from Warfronts. You will receive 15 per Warfront rotation. Warfront World Quests give 1 per completion, you will get them from Faction Assaults (5x) or Honorbound/7th Legion reputation Paragon caches.

Winds of the Sanctuary

Between June 15 and July 10, XP and reputation gains (except with Loamm Niffen) will be increased by 50% thanks to the Winds of Sanctuary buff.