It was back to the start with Nathria being the Fated raid this past week, and it brought its own specs along with it, as Fire, Elemental and many more are doing a lot better in Shadowlands’ first raid. It also pushed the No.1 spec into the stratosphere, with Demonology doing even better than it already had, which was extremely well to start with.

An important note before we begin: as the Fated raids are switching out each week, our comparisons to the previous weeks will be a little less relevant, but we’ll still mention it for context – just keep in mind it won’t be a direct comparison from week to week as it was before.


95th Percentile

Nathria sees Demonology skyrocket ahead even more than before, widening the gap between the 9.2.7 god spec and the rest. Frost DKs hang on to 2nd despite the raid change, with the same situation for Destro and 3rd, while Elemental relives its glory days and snags 4th. Unholy is determined to be the most stable spec of them all through these Fated raid swaps, as it remains in 5th for the third week running. Fury sneaks up a spot, as Survival drops 3, and Fire comes out of the lower reaches leaping 7 spots up into 8th. Windwalker and Shadow close out the top 10, with the Monk falling 1 and the Priest rising 1. Havoc finds itself down in the dumps once more, joined by long-time visitors Feral and Assassination.

95th percentile Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.

All Percentiles

Survival is doing much better in the generalist bracket, even rising from the previous week, pushing Frost DK down into 3rd, as Fury also does a lot better here, landing in 4th. Unholy is slightly less stable here, as it drops 1, with Outlaw being the big winner this time around, gaining 4 places in 6th.

All percentiles Mythic data by Warcraft Logs.


The top 3 remains the same as the previous week in Heroic, with Unholy destabilizing things and jumping 4 spots up into 4th, as Arms drops 2 into 6th. Fire loves Nathria as it also rises here, 7 up in fact! Beast Mastery shares the same fate, but it only gained 4 spots, landing in 8th. Retribution drops a little and Fury Rises a little, as the two specs close out the top 10.

All percentiles Heroic data by Warcraft Logs.


As always, if you want even more info on a spec, you can check out our class guides here, for a DPS tier list you can go here, or for even more data, head on over to Warcraft Logs. You can also check out our Sepulcher raid guides.