Well here’s a big one, as two players have now reported becoming completely immune to all damage, including from falling – and the condition even persists through logout!

Exciting-Web-9968 found themselves in this predicament today, and aside from being untouchable by anything in the game, including gravity (and in PvP), they also can’t interact with certain things in the game like the PvP supply crates.

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen this particular situation either, as a few days ago Civil_Manufacturer52 reported being immune to basically everything in the game and not being able to make it go away, even through multiple re-logs. Thanks to some helpful comments, they did manage to cure themselves of the immunity, and similarly to Exciting-Web-9968, also confirmed that the method is very much repeatable and they could indeed get immune all over again if they wanted to. In case this ever happens to you, the solution seems to be to fall off the map – although it’s unclear if it needs to be a special “fall to nothing” like in the Spine of Deathwing encounter.

Since the two cases we’ve seen are Demon Hunter and Evoker, it might have something to do with their glide or similar, but obviously DO NOT go trying to reproduce the bug as it’s very much an exploit if you do so on purpose.