A new Sylvanas spell has been added to the game in Patch 10.1.7. What could it possibly mean?

Patch 10.1.7 adds a spell simply named Sylvanas. We don’t know what Blizzard will use it for because the tooltip is blank, but we can only speculate it will be tied to the Undead Heritage Armor questline.

Even though Sylvanas is probably collecting souls somewhere in the Maw after the events of the Shadowlands expansion, she has undeniably helped shape and find the Forsaken their place in the world, so it would make perfect sense for her to be included in the Heritage Armor questline, maybe in some flashback.

Blizzard currently encrypts more data than they used to in the past and some features don’t even get tested on the PTR, meaning we’ll see them for the first time when the patch goes live. This will probably be the same for Night Elf and Undead Heritage Armor questlines. They will remain encrypted until we see the patch release.

What do you think the spell is used for? Would you like to see Sylvanas return or if she stayed in the Maw forever?