Blizzard has updated the table tied to Keystone Affixes in Dragonflight Season 1 with all affixes except for Inspiring and Necrotic. Will both affixes be removed in the forthcoming season?

Nothing has been confirmed yet, but the database table containing affix information for Dragonflight Season 1 has been updated with all affixes except for Necroting and Inspiring this week on Dragonflight Beta. Maybe the affixes wouldn’t be ideal for the new dungeon rotation, so they ultimately do not want to include them. 

Here is the current pool of affixes in Dragonflight Season 1. 

Raging – Non-boss enemies enrage at 30% health remaining, dealing 50% increased damage until defeated.

Bolstering – When any non-boss enemy dies, its death cry empowers nearby allies, temporarily increasing their maximum health by 15% and damage by 20%.

Bursting – When slain, non-boss enemies explode, causing all players to suffer damage over 4 sec. This effect stacks.

Spiteful – Fiends rise from the corpses of non-boss enemies and pursue random players.

Volcanic – While in combat, enemies periodically cause gouts of flame to erupt beneath the feet of distant players.

Grievous – Injured players suffer increasing damage over time until healed.

Quaking – Periodically, all players emit a shockwave, inflicting damage and interrupting nearby allies.

Explosive – While in combat, enemies periodically summon Explosive Orbs that will detonate if not destroyed.

Storming – While in combat, enemies periodically summon damaging whirlwinds.

[PH] 10.0 Season 1 Affix – TBD