With the acquisition of the Evoker Legendary Weapon in the US region, players can now get a new pet called Mote of Nasz’uro. Check out how to get it!

Currently, the pet is only available in the US region and other regions must wait before someone completes the Legendary Weapon questline. The pet cannot battle.

How to Obtain Mote of Nasz’uro

To obtain the pet, you must collect 16 motes scattered across the Dragon Isles. Motes are objects that can be interacted with in no particular order.

You will find a list of TomTom coordinates for all the motes below. Courtesy of Mat from the WoW Secret Finding Discord.

The Waking Shores

/way #2022 22.84 88.41 Apex Canopy
/way #2022 24.15 55.56 Obsidian Throne
/way #2022 58.50 67.65 Ruby Lifeshrine
/way #2022 63.89 44.81 On Tree

Ohn’ahran Plains

way #2023 61.23 64.36 Windsong Rise
/way #2023 34.33 58.74 Emerald Gardens

The Azure Span

/way #2024 78.84 34.13 Vakthros
/way #2024 61.57 71.43 Imbu
/way #2024 36.40 56.46 Azure Archives
/way #2024 8.23 53.08 Hudson‘s Rock


/way #2025 62.71 13.23 Veiled Ossuary
/way #2025 61.23 40.74 Algeth‘ar Academy
/way #2025 72.88 55.05 VotI Entrance
/way #2025 70.87 69.85 Thaldraszus Peak
/way #2025 62.61 85.07 Temporal Conflux

The Forbidden Reach

/way #2151 36.02 34.24 Caldera of the Menders

You can use this macro to figure out which orbs you’ve already collected.

/run for i=76178,76193 do print(i,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end

The macro prints out a list of zones (IDs) and you can find all IDs associated with each zone below.

76178 Vakthros
76179 Imbu
76180 Azure Archives
76181 Hudson’s Rock

76182 Windsong Rise
76183 Emerald Gardens

76184 Apex Canopy
76185 Obsidian Throne
76186 Ruby Lifeshrine
76187 On Tree

76188 Caldera of the Menders

76189 Veiled Ossuary
76190 Algeth’ar Academy
76191 VotI Entrance
76192 Thaldraszus Peak
76193 Temporal Conflux