Dragonflight Season 2 Master is a new Patch 10.1 achievement that rewards 1 Draconic Mark of Mastery, which can be turned in to a vendor for any Heroic-Level Tier Set piece of your choice.

How Can You Earn Dragonflight Season 2 Master in Patch 10.1?

You can earn the achievement from multiple sources, including the raid, Mythic+ Dungeons, and PvP. Earning one achievement will be enough, you don’t need to do all of them.

Dragonflight Keystone Master: Season Two – Attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 2,000 during Dragonflight Season 2.

Challenger II: Dragonflight Season 2 – Earn the rank of Challenger II during Dragonflight Season 2.

Ahead of the Curve: Scalecommander Sarkareth – Defeat Scalecommander Sarkareth in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.

You will receive 1 Draconic Mark of Mastery upon completion.

What Can You Do with Draconic Mark of Mastery?

Draconic Mark of Mastery can be turned in to a vendor for a Heroic-Level Class Tier Set piece of your choice. The item received is fully upgradeable with Shadowflame Crests and Flightstones.

How Many Draconic Marks of Mastery Can You Obtain in Dragonflight Season 2?

You can only earn 1 mark per character, but it is available the day Dragonflight Season 2 starts.

Where Can I Exchange Draconic Mark of Mastery for Tier Set Pieces?

Head to Obsidian Rest in Zaralek Cavern (52.05, 25.71) and talk to Norzko the Proud to exchange your 

Obtaining Tier Set Pieces in Patch 10.1

Blizzard is making it easier to obtain Tier Set pieces in Patch 10.1. They are increasing the likelihood of set pieces being found in the Great Vault, the final Aberrus raid boss will drop an omnitoken, which can be turned in for a set piece, and more.