The new gear upgrading system is being expanded in Patch 10.1.5 and here’s what’s new.

New Myth Track

Mythic Gear can be upgraded in Patch 10.1.5 using a new track.

The new “Myth track” has 3 ranks.

Rank 1: Item Level 441;

Rank 2: Item Level 444;

Rank 3: Item Level 447.

 Season 2 gear obtained before Patch 10.1.5 will work with the new system.

Every upgrade requires 1 Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest and Flightstones. Discounts apply as outlined in our gear upgrading guide.

Myth upgrades won’t require an Aspect’s Shadowflame Crest if your character has a higher item-level piece of armor in the same slot.

The Flightstones cost will be halved if a character on your account has a higher item-level gear piece in the same slot.

Aberrus bosses will now drop Rank 1/Rank2/Rank3 Myth gear based on the item level (441/444/447).

Very Rare drops and loot from the final Aberrus bosses on Mythic difficulty still come at a higher item level (450-457).

For instance Magmorax will drop item level 447 gear which is Myth Rank 3/3 by default.

Upgradeable Tiemwalking Gear

The Fractures in Time update adds the “Adventurer” upgrade track for Timewalking Dungeon gear (up from item level 385), which means it will start at Item Level 389 [Rank 1] all the way to Item Level 411 [Rank 8].

Welcome Back Gear

Players level 10-60 who haven’t logged in for at least 2 months will receive an optional Welcome Back Gift which consists of gear that scales with your current level, 4×22 slot bags, a teleport to your main city and optional quest log clear.

Time Rifts Catch-Up Gear

You can buy new item-level 402 catch-up gear from one of the Time Rift vendors. More on that in a separate post coming later today.