Find out more about the Dragonriding updates coming in Patch 10.0.7.


The following post is based on Patch 10.0.7 testing and may contain outdated information with future builds. Our guides will be updated with the changes as we near patch release.

Forbidden Reach Glyph Hunter

Forbidden Reach adds 8 Dragonriding Glyphs for you to spend on two new Dragonriding Talents.

Dragon Glyphs: Northwind Point

Dragon Glyphs: Fragstone Vault

Dragon Glyphs: Talon’s Watch

Dragon Glyphs: Dragonskull Island

Dragon Glyphs: Stormsunder Mountain

Dragon Glyphs: War Creche

Dragon Glyphs: Caldera of the Menders

Dragon Glyphs: Talonlord’s Perch

Forbidden Reach Glyph Locations

Scorpius has put up a preliminary map with all Glyph locations in the Forbidden Reach.

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New Dragonriding Talents

Aerial Halt – Flap back, reducing forward movement. (Instant, 10 sec cooldown). Costs 4 Glyphs to unlock.

Airborne Recovery – Activating Aerial Halt while affected by Thrill of the Skies generates 1 Vigor. Costs 4 Glyphs to unlock.