Players have been gathering in masses to farm out all the (many) drops the Diablo crossover event goblins are dropping, and it seems there’s one drop Blizzard didn’t specifically mention in their event overview.

As spotted by DesMephisto and many others, it seems the treasure part of their name doesn’t only refer to all the items and cosmetics they drop, but also gold! 500-1000 or so, in fact:

Not exactly astronomical numbers, but considering how quickly they die, it might be worth the hassle. Players have been gathering in large numbers, trying to get everything from the mount, pet, bag and all the cosmetics (although the charms have lost some of their appeal since Blizzard disabled them in instanced content).

And while the low, low framerates when that many people gather up are problematic, others have found a different sort of fun, as faction warfare sometimes ensues!

Despite some players getting quickly bored with the event, it’s still quite a lot of free loot to get, so it’s not all bad. What do you think of it all? Too simple and boring or “thanks for the free stuff”?

If you’re looking for their spawn times and locations, you can check out a Weakaura for that here.