Castle Nathria was shortly available in the Raid Finder after the weekly reset, allowing players to queue up for the Shadowlands raid even at Level 70.

Due to a weird bug, players on live servers could queue up for Castle Nathria, the first Shadowlands raid, for several hours. The LFR was tuned for Shadowlands and players were able to down Denathrius in 2 minutes.

Castle Nathria inexplicably showed up on LFR this reset. It’s tuned to 9.0.
by u/NinnyBoggy in wow

I can queue for Castle Nathria LFR.
by u/Listerine_Panther in wow

by u/grubuloid from discussion I can queue for Castle Nathria LFR.
in wow

We don’t know what’s causing the glitch, but it’s not the first time this has happened.

by u/Osirus1156 from discussion I can queue for Castle Nathria LFR.
in wow

Maybe it has something to do with Castle Nathria releasing in August last year around this time.

by u/riggels from discussion Castle Nathria inexplicably showed up on LFR this reset. It’s tuned to 9.0.
in wow