Spinsoa in Loamm sells a box with Mythic+ gear for Flightstones on live servers.

You can purchase Volcanic Equipment Chest on live servers from Spinsoa in Loamm. The chest requires a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1,000 and can be send to your alts.

It contains a random 1 Adventurer piece of gear with Item Level 398-411. You cannot use the armor pieces at the Catalyst either, but the gear should help you complete the gaps in your set bonuses.

Haven’t seen this posted, but you can buy Mythic Dungeon Items for alts in Sniffen (Vendor: Spinsoa)
by u/Joaph in wow

PvP players can buy Obsidian Equipment Chest from Calderax in Valdrakken. The PvP chest requires 1,400 rating and creates a piece of Obsidian Gladiator’s equipment at Unranked rank.