Recruit-a-Friend will offer new rewards in Patch 10.0.7. Check out our in-game preview to find out what’s new.

The new Recruit-a-Friend program lets you link up to 10 friends and earn game time and other cosmetics when your friends buy game time.

Players new to the game and existing accounts with no game time on their account in the past 2 years can be invited.

Recruitments made after March 21 will be assigned to the new rewards track.

Active recruits will still provide the old reward track, and you will still be able to earn those rewards as long as recruits stay subscribed to the game. However, if the recruits lapse for a month or more and return, they will award credit for the new reward track.

New RaF Rewards in Patch 10.1

Volatile Self-Driving Toolbox Pet – 1 Month

Shredderizing Glove Cosmetic Item – 2 Months

Sappy Buddy Cosmetic Item – 3 Months

30 Days Game Time – 4 Months

S.C.A.N.N.E.R. Mk3 Cosmetic Item – 5 Months

Rocket Shredder 9001 Mount – 6 Months

Volatile Self-Driving Toolbox (Battle Pet)

Shredderizing Glove (Cosmetic Weapon)

Sappy Buddy (Cosmetic Back)

S.C.A.N.N.E.R. Mk3 (Cosmetic Head)

Rocket Shredder 9001 (Two-Seater Mount)