Elemental and Enhancement Shamans received various changes on the Dragonflight Alpha, including new talents.



Elemental Shaman (Spec Aura)

Increases damage/healing by 150% 100%:

Elemental Blast

Increases damage/healing by 20%:

Chain Lightning, Maelstrom, Ride the Lightning

Decreases damage/healing by 15%:

Lightning Bolt and Maelstrom

Decreases damage/healing by 20%:

Lightning Bolt and Maelstrom

Decreases damage/healing by 20%:

Lava Burst and Maelstrom

Earth Shock – Instantly shocks the target with concussive force, causing [ 273% 218.4% of Spell Power ] Nature damage.

Earthquake – Causes the earth within 8 yards of the target location to tremble and break, dealing [ 147.8% 110.9% of Nature Spell Power ] Physical damage over 6 sec and has a 5% chance to knock the enemy down.


Feral Spirit – Cooldown reduced to 1.5 min (was 2).

Improved Stormbringer renamed to Stormblast.

Forceful Winds – Windfury causes each successive Windfury attack within 15 sec to increase the damage of Windfury by 35% 45%, stacking up to 5 times.

Hot Hand – Melee auto-attacks with Flametongue Weapon active have a 5% chance to reduce the cooldown of Lava Lash by 75% 38% and increase the damage of Lava Lash by 100% 50% for 8 sec.

Elemental Assault – Stormstrike damage is increased by 8% 10%, and Stormstrike now generates has a 50% chance to generate 1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.

Elemental Spirits – Reduces the cooldown of Feral Spirit by 30 sec and causes your Feral Spirits to be imbued with Fire, Frost, or Lightning, enhancing your abilities. Your Feral Spirits are now imbued with Fire, Frost, or Lightning, enhancing your abilities.

New Talents

Unruly Winds – Windfury Weapon has a 100% chance to trigger a third attack.

Stormblast – Stormbringer now also causes your next Stormstrike to deal 25% additional damage as Nature damage.

Primal Lava Actuators – Each time Flame Shock deals Periodic damage, increase the damage of your next Lava Lash by 12% and reduce the cooldown of Lava Lash by 0.5 sec.

Primal Primer – Melee attacks with Flametongue active increase the damage the target takes from your next Lava Lash by 0, stacking up to 10 times.